Searching for an Error To look for a specific error number type it into either box and click 'Find' or command F. That's it, that's the instructions. The Main Window   When you first launch SysErrors you'll see a window like the one above, you can select an error table from either the pop-up menu or from the Navigate menu. If you want to look at more than one error table at a time then open another window with 'New'. An alternative way to search is by double clicking on an error line in the list. For example double clicking on the line with dsAddressError above would search for all errors of value '2', yep there's a few. The result would be something like this.... The Find Window   In the find window, double clicking on an entry will take you back to the full table. For example clicking on the top line here would bring up the CTB Terminal error table. The Navigate menu The Navigate menu duplicates the controls already mentioned, and additionally has options for flicking through the error tables quickly using Next and Previous.